Hot Coffee podcast with South African photographer Ian Mcnaught Davis (with Tamuna Chkareuli)


Ian McNaught Davis, Night's Altar.

A different, exciting audio format for Hot Coffee today.

Georgian journalist Tamuna Chkareuli in conversation with Ian McNaught Davis, visual artist and a photographer from South Africa on his latest solo exhibition In Borrowed Carbon, a body of work that explores the natural patterns, principles of depth psychology, and different notions of time – all conveyed through various printmaking techniques and photographic methods. The exhibition at Glen Carlou gallery, Stellenbosch, South Africa on 17 March - 26 May this year showcased photographic work made in South Africa,  but the concepts behind it go all the way to the artist’s time in Georgia in 2017-2019.

Thanks to composer Sarah Hashemian for providing the original music for this episode.

Recorded in late August 2024.


Ian McNaught Davis:

Ian McNaught Davis is a South African visual artist who specializes in photography. His photographs have been published in VICE, BBC News, GQ, Men’s Health, OZY, Huck Magazine, and in media outlets in Italy, the Netherlands, China, Portugal, and Russia.

Ian travelled extensively throughout Africa and lived in Georgia where he worked as a photojournalist, covering assignments across several former Soviet countries. Following this, he was awarded a Chevening Scholarship to study MA Photography: The Image & The Electronic Arts at Goldsmiths, University of London, which he passed with distinction.

His photographic projects have also been shown in galleries in London, Rome, Oxford, Bologna, Dubai, Cape Town, Nepal, Ukraine, South Korea and Georgia.


Tamuna Chkareuli: 

Tamuna Chkareuli is a multimedia journalist and a documentary photographer from the Caucasus region, with work published in The Guardian, Politico, Huck Magazine, New Lines Magazine and others.  With a strong commitment to social issues, she's been working locally and internationally, covering everything from human rights violations in Georgia to conflict in Ukraine. Tamuna was a Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty journalism fellow and the recipient of the EU Journalism Prize for the best investigation story in 2021, for which she worked undercover to expose labor rights violations behind luxury clothing production. She is a H.Humphrey fellow at Arizona State University for 2023-2024. She is currently based in Tbilisi, Georgia where she produces multimedia content and explores audio storytelling.

Ian McNaught Davis, Arise, Ascend.

Ian McNaught Davis, Darshan.

Ian McNaught Davis, Delta Part Two.


Installation view, In Borrowed Carbon, Glen Carlou gallery, Stellenbosch, South Africa on 17 March - 26 May,2024.


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